Thursday, March 31, 2016

My IUD Experience part 2

Hey all, So it's been about five months since my IUD insertion so I thought I'd update. If you read part one of my IUD experience you'll know I'm just picking up from where we left off.
It's hard to explain the symptoms I was experiencing. For the most part I was fine after about 3-4 days, and even those days weren't awful.  After day 2 I was comfortable 75% of the time. The cramping I did have was horrible, but I didn't seem to have almost any spotting until a week later. I'm not really sure if that was just spotting or the start of my period, it was a bit confusing after two days it turned into a heavy flow that lasted about a week and a half and was a pretty bad period as far as cramps go. However I haven't actually had any cramps since then except during my periods, which are painful but not as bad as the first few days after insertion. I was told these would become more regular and possibly shorter (I had short periods to begin with, so I'm not sure how this will be affected in the long run, as it can take up to 6 months to fully adjust to the IUD).

The really TMI stuff is the following: I chose the IUD due to allergies to several lubricants and condoms, and even in our last three, almost four years of dating we haven't found anything that didn't cause a reaction, so as a result we didn't do as much sexy-time activities as we wanted to since most often the thought of pain and discomfort from allergic reactions outweighed the desire to have sex, for me anyway. So to me this seems to be the perfect solution considering I'm in a long-term monogamous relationship and my only concern is pregnancy.

After weighing the pain against the now much more comfortable and enjoyable benefits, I have come to the conclusion that I will most likely get another IUD when mine expires and at this point we will be married...oh yeah we got engaged in January for those of you who didn't see the instagram post. I do want to do another update once I've had it for about a year, just in case things change or whatever, but for now that's all for this peek into a very intimate part of our lives.


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