Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Trial Period

By Courtney

This last week John and I got a rare opportunity to spend some time together. I was house sitting for my aunt and uncle who went to Hawaii. Now at this particular time John and I are not currently living in the same house. We don't have the money to move just yet and my job(s) has not been stable enough for me to pay rent.

So any time John and I spend the night together is a blessing-not because we want to have sex but because we want quality time and the comfort of being close to each other. We've had quite a few nights together on trips and such, but nothing like this.

We already knew that we make awesome travel companions with my mad planning skills and his level head and fun-loving personality. But this week we got to take away the stress of travel and add in the stress of daily life which includes college and work. I think we definitely learned a few things about ourselves.

For one, if we think we can get away with it, we leave dishes until the last minute. Oh, and there's the fact that neither of us want to cook after a long day--which results in a fast food run. But on the flip side we got to work out morning routines and we realized we both like to talk before bed.

I think what I gained from this last week is that living together is going to change our lives more than we predicted. I'm not just looking forward to sleeping next to him like I do on trips, I'm looking forward to seeing him after a long day at work and the snuggle time in the morning and before bed when we end up laughing like idiots, I'm excited about renting movies and staying in eating mac n cheese then playing board games. I can't  wait to walk the dog with him and know that he's right by my side at  all hours of the night. It really is the little things that I'm looking forward to.

So as this week draws to a close it makes me realize all the things I'm going to miss. However this is just the trial period for something that will hopefully be happening in a month or two. I feel like we are so close to that point but so far away.

Until next time,

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