Here we go! Let's open with the easiest one to pull apart, Chick Academy. At a single glance, you can tell right away that everything is about to go downhill. The categories down the side of the page include "Cooking" "Cleaning" "Conduct" "C**********" and "Quiet". Now one might think these are innocent at first glance, but upon clicking on any of the links the door opens to the world of wishful thinking. "Cooking" includes a brief summary or how a female should learn to make exactly what her man wants and then some, at whatever whim the male desires. "Cleaning" again includes such wisdom as
"Don't let your man's house become a pigsty. Stop your f****** nagging and start the vacuum. He invented the TV, the computer, the phone, and pretty much everything in society. The least you can do is keep your stupid mouth shut and show some appreciation by making sure the floors are clean enough to eat off of and the dishes are washed and put away. Get off your fat a** and get to work!" (Chick Academy)
The stunning way in which the creator of the site orders females to obey and submit to the every whim and desire of "their men", shows both the arrogance and idiocy with which he or she lives. Think it couldn't get much worse than that? Don't worry, there's more! Simply select the "Quiet" tab along the left side, and you'll find an entire page dedicated to the requirement of women to shut up and never argue with their men, as well as a chilling message near the end;
"Shutting up is an invaluable skill that will essentially become the backbone of any strong relationship. When you have mastered shutting up, you will have the ultimate tool for avoiding failed relationships and domestic violence.
This b**** hasn't learned to keep her mouth shut yet:
Have you?" (Photo credit: Chick Academy)
Overall the site is crude, offensive, and promotes violence despite the claims otherwise. It is terrifying to think that there are both men out there who agree with these ideals, and women who are forced to live by them.
Moving on to the second area of research, the e-book handed out masquerading as a guidance tool, known as "The Principles". It includes brilliant thoughts, well-worded arguments, and thought out- no, but seriously this book is full of crap. Let's begin with its explanation of feminism, specifically that it is a hidden agenda of women to help themselves to what men are rightfully entitled to, and claims of that it ruins the gender roles which humanity was meant to have, as well as corrupting the future generations of rightfully subservient women. If that wasn't bad enough to begin with, the writer criticizes feminists for absolving themselves of crimes and blaming men, though the entire book is based around the opposite, absolving men of all fault and blaming women. Not only is this quite hypocritical, but it is only the first of many flawed arguments contained within the digital pages.
It is said in one of the later chapters that order can only exists where there is fear of authority, yet at the same time that fear is present there is a fueled attraction for that which causes the fear. It states that without fear and submission there cannot be love or attraction, as the latter is fueled by the prior. Yet we see many times in society that this does not hold true, the most cited example being that the Jews, who feared and obeyed the Germans, do not show love or attraction for them. Love can be created without fear or submission, as an equality of two beings. Strange concept, hmm?
I mostly skimmed through the rest of the book, unable to stand the biased and flawed writing for long periods of time, but stopping on such chapters and subsections as "How much Pain to Apply", "Rewarding and Punishing", and "Dealing With a B****" though the site again claims to not encourage or condone abuse (Manhood Academy)
Turning back towards the beginning of the book, I found myself treated to an entire paragraph about how unfair it was that a woman could use her sexual appeal to rob a man of his hard-earned cash, but men were blamed for then following through with their sexual urges. It inferred that if there was a rape, the woman was to blame for tempting a man with the sexuality of her attitude and outfit.
Along those lines, it was discussed many times that a woman should feel privileged to have sex with her man, and that a woman should use sex to show her thankfulness for gifts and the provisions provided to her by her man. It claimed that women not reciprocating gifts with sex was a corrupt and dysfunctional social belief, like welfare, tipping, and women wanting to achieve social status.
One example which the author provided of the "proper" way to handle a woman, was when his girlfriend at the time texted him saying she was changing her plans and they wouldn't be able to hang out today. He responded by calling her a b**** repeatedly, claiming full control over her and her actions and stating to her that he was more important than any of her friends. In the end the girl submitted to his will, but more than sounding like he had her affection, it read as if she was terrified of him, a classic example of battered-woman syndrome. With the way he believes women should be treated, is that any real surprise?
And yet it seems quite flawed, that though a woman should submit to a man and a child should submit to a parent, a single mother raising a male child is incapable of raising him correctly and the fault for that lays completely with her. If she holds power over him then it is a woman over a man, but if he holds power over her it is a child over an adult, and the one to blame for this is never in any case the absent father or the child, but in fact the single mother.
The e-book describes how a man is supposed to treat his woman like a subservient pet, a female in her rightful place below her owner. It spoke of how women, like children, lacked the foresight or knowledge to make any important decisions (such as voting or raising male children), and generalized that women themselves admitted this. It was sickening at the best of times, a horrendous twisted view of a world caught in the past.
But despite all of this, there was still worse to come. The Man Academy website included a forum, and within that forum was a category called "Critic's Corner" it was a place for people such as ourselves to go and argue the ideals and thoughts of the site, and (according to the 'Professor') be proven wrong. The "Professor" as he called himself, challenged 'keyboard warriors' to face him in live debates over webcam where he could attempt to humiliate whatever unfortunate being stood in his way. In many of these debates he states that manhood academy "Welcomes Haters and Critics", yet if you have seen our previous post not only have we proved this to be false, but also that the moderator seems to have the maturity level of a six-year-old.
After exchanging a few emails and being called some sadly unoriginal insults, Courtney and I challenged the professor to a debate with a few stipulations: only that we could redistribute the full content of the debate, and that he show his face during the discussion. He refused, and after a few more unoriginal insults were thrown our way we gave up arguing and decided instead to prove him wrong by ripping apart his site here, as we have done.
Believe it or not, the Man Academy is not only a website, but a fully functioning business! For only $21 dollars a month, any man can join the classes and learn the "correct" way to live his life. If you can't afford that, there are scholarships available so you can still join!
So now that we've had the chance to look through and attempt to understand the delusional thoughts which the so-called "Professor" posts and markets, I think both Courtney and I can confidently say that not only do we strongly disagree with the existence and ideals of this site, but I think we have more than enough reasoning to fight whatever expectedly childish retorts both the site and its creator have to offer. With that being said, our challenge to the site still stands, and should it be accepted we will post the full debate on our site.
Until next time,
John and Courtney
Man Academy
Chick Academy
The Principles