On The Scene Party Clues:

WARNING!!! This Page contains references to sexaul content, violence and drugs!  

Weapon Clues: 
FIELD REPORT: Item #2- Scissors:  
Red discoloration on scissor blades. Located on a  
table near victim, sent in for analysis. 

AUTOPSY REPORT: Thomas Maroon, Male, Age: 43 
Upon examination of the body, cause of death is brain 
hemorrhaging as a result of blunt force trauma to the 
Occipital Bone. Estimated time of death: between 7 and 8 pm. 

FIELD REPORT: Item #4- Wrench 
Wrench in utility room has signs of being very recently cleaned. 
Traces of blood discovered with Kastle-Meyer Solution test. 
Sent to forensics analyst. 

Suspect stated that he had injured himself with the wrench while 
working on pipes at the crime scene earlier that day. 
Company injury log supports claim. 

FIELD REPORT: Item #3- Ceramic Shard 
Item discovered on the carpet near the body. Possible fragment 
of weapon?  Sent to virtual reconstruction. 

FORENSIC REPORT: Item #3- Ceramic Shard 
Item shows traces of coffee, virtual reconstruction 
confirms as mug. Estimated size not consistent 
with trauma sustained by victim. 

FIELD REPORT: Item #1- Pool Cue 
Item marked on table beside victim. Blood on cue suggests 
possible weapon used in assault.  

FORENSIC REPORT: Item #1- Pool Cue 
Blood on cue matches victims DNA. 

Blood spatter from victim dispersed onto pool cue. Spatter  
pattern suggests cue was not cause of trauma. 

Traces of oil found on edge of pool table 
and floor near pool table 

Security Footage from the police compound found on a flash 
drive in the victim's coat. Footage shows Lieutenant White's 
car being towed. Company report states that she had a flat but 
her tire iron was missing. 

Motive Clues: 
Upon searching victim's laptop, pictures were discovered 
of Investigator Mustard stealing what looks to 
be money from a crime scene. 

A scribbled note is found in the victims back pocket 
"Strange adoption procedures FI Canary... possibly illegal?" 

Email sent from the victim's laptop addressed to Sgt. Grey. 
Attached pictures of Grey and Mr. White kissing. 

Envelope discovered in the bushes just outside of the crime 
scene. Inside is a note addressed to Lieutenant White 
threatening to revel her husband's affair to the public. 

Receipt for an overnight stay at FI Peacock's Hotel found in 
victim's wallet. Message scrawled on back "brothel run by 
Peacock, kept secret by Magenta" 

In the victim's email there is a single message in the draft folder 
addressed to Internal Affairs. It speaks to the concern that both 
money and drugs are disappearing from crime scenes, the thefts 
linked to Inspector Mustard and Inspector Green respectively. 

Scanned pages found in briefcase belonging to the victim. 
Identified as case file 1408, the attempted conviction of 
Deputy Scarlet regarding the murder of a chef. 

Marks around the frame of the entrance door indicate force 
was applied, as if kicked open recently. Blood on a splinter 
matches Officer Rose. 

Recent search history on the victim's laptop indicates 
research into a health disorder which includes 
rage-induced blackouts. Search history also includes 
Sergeant Auburn's known medical conditions 

Alibi Clues: 
Security footage from Sergeant Auburn's cruiser 
shows him arriving at Internal Affairs and remaining 
there for around four hours, from 5pm until 9pm 

Officer Rose installed security cameras in her house 
due to the rising crime rate in her living area. 
The time-stamped footage shows her coming home 
at 3pm, leaving for a little while, then returning at 5pm 
and remaining there the rest of the night. 

A statement from Officer Rose's husband confirms that 
Deputy Scarlet was by his side for most of the night for 
a business of meeting, he insists it was nothing personal. 
A receipt from "Del Llama" backs up the claims. 

Officer Magenta was given a speeding ticket the night of 
the murder, two towns away from the scene. Estimated 
time of death was around the time of the citation, and the 
travel time between locations is two hours. The citing 
officer noted a second woman in the vehicle. 

ATM footage shows Forensic Investigator Peacock 
withdrawing money with a blurred woman in the background. 
The ATM's location is an hour and a half drive from the 
scene, and the timestamp places it only half an hour after 
the estimated time of death. 

Inspector Mustard was called out to deal with a bank robbery 
and hostage situation early on the day of the murder. He was 
reported to have shot and killed two of the criminals. His wife 
vouches that he came straight home after and stayed most of 
the night, exhausted. Inspector Mustard was, however, called 
in near the time of the murder to turn over his gun to the Chief 
of Police and as per procedure for a psychiatric evaluation. 
The Chief noted that Mustard was late for their meeting. 

BBB insurance reports a call from Inspector Mustard at the 
estimated time of the murder. He called about a flat tire, and 
the repair vehicle arrived only twenty minutes later. The car 
was parked near the police station, across town from the murder. 

Sergeant Grey and Inspector Green were both tagged in a picture 
on Facenovel. The picture was of them and a large fish, and behind 
them the city clock-tower was visible and it read 10pm. A similar 
photo of the lake posted upon their arrival showed the clock reading 
5pm. The estimated time of death was 7-8pm. 

Chief of Police Peach and Police Captain Plum both clocked in at the 
station at noon. They remained there until 10pm, with no visitors 
apart from Inspector Mustard around 9pm. 

Security footage showed Lieutenant White getting gas at a local station. 
Timestamps note the footage at 9pm.

Disclaimer: Please understand that these clues may not work or be appropriate for some groups of people. We assemble these parties and avoid certain topics based on our particular guest list. We advise reading through all the clues before game-play if you decide to use these.  Please use your best judgment, we will not accept any responsibility for issues that result as an effect of you using our clues.

***Please note that this is several pages of printing.***

We recommend copying and pasting this into a word document for printing. 

Clues support 10 guests: Mustard, Gray, Green, Scarlet, Magenta, Rose, Peacock, Canary, Auburn and White (Lieutenant White is the guilty party).  2 hosts: Plum and Peach. 1 Murder Victim: Maroon and a few extras like Fred Chartreuse and Mr. White (husband of lieutenant While) to keep the story moving forward.

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