Clue Party Rules

These rule and guidelines are decided through our experiences and what works best for us. We will update these every so often as they change to ensure the best possible outcome. We welcome suggestions!

1. No peeking/stealing/ otherwise looking at another players notebook to find out information.
  • We instated this rule to prolong game-play. We're all about sharing but in this case the clues become uncovered too quickly and the game ends before you even know it started.
2. Put the clues back exactly where you found them, they are hidden there for a reason.
  • This rule is intended to keep the clues easy to find for cleanup as well as to prevent other players from re-hiding clues to gain an advantage making the game unfair for other players.
3. There can only be one winner-teams can only be formed with people who have already run out of guesses. Limit of 3 guesses per guest.
  • This is meant to keep game-play at a steady pace and keep it challenging but not overly frustrating. Obviously for children this rule may not apply. Limited guesses keeps the guests from just throwing answers at you until they get it right. We also recommend taking guests to a designated area away from the others to make there guesses so no one else hears and can cheat. We go outside.
4. Numbers on clues are not helpful to you, don't waste time trying to find them all- it wont help you.
  • For this you should avoid telling guests the amount of clues you have but still write the number on the clue (we put ours in the bottom left corner) the numbers are for your reference. We recommend having a copy of the clues and numbers with there locations for easy cleanup.
5. Pay close attention to the things that are said and or shown, they just might help you.
  • Sometimes if game-play goes too slowly or hits a wall we will drop subtle hints - make sure they know to keep an ear out for that.
6. Do NOT try to hide clues from other players by putting them out of sight or in hard to reach areas.
  • This is like moving the clues but more subtle. We have had guests do this but still keep them in the smae area.
7. Do not look in the masternotebook
  • We immediately disqualify  guests who cheat. It ruins the game for everyone.
8. Keep your voices at an indoor level.
  • This may not be an issue where you're at, but if it is it doesn't hurt to remind your guests. Sometimes the excitement can cause people to get a little loud.
9. Be kind and respectful to other guests.
  • This should go without saying, but we've had some people attend that will get a little too into it and start calling each other names and become mean-sprinted. We give 1 warning and if you continue you're out. We like to remind our guests that we appreciate them getting into character but that we're all still friends so you need to treat each other with respect.
10. Have fun.
  • As cheesy as that is don't forget to remind them that it's just a game. We throw these parties because we love our friends and we enjoy spending time with them.

Just a few more recommendations:
  • Put up please do not touch signs by any equipment such as cameras, laptops, CD players ect. to keep guests from messing with the playlists or accidentally breaking anything.
  • Remind guests of rules as they come in instead of after to keep in character easier
  • OR gather them in a group outside and go over them before they enter.

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